Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm back...

Sorry about that. My internet provider didn't processes the payment. So they thought we didn't pay. Finds out that they had it all along. These last few days I haven't been writing. The last time I was writing was the 13th. Oh I had a test today, in math. I got an A+ and finished really quickly. It was an easy test about linear extrapolation and slope intercepts.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm going to make it!

Hi. I've written even more for my novel tonight. I feel like I can make it to 50,000 now. Here is my updated word count:

I can't believe I went from 4,000 to 6,055 in about 2 days. I think If I work hard and makeup some writing, that I will make it to 50,000 by the 31st. Keep on cheering for me.

Oh and if you want to read some of my novel excerpts then you van visit:
Just click on the novel excerpts part.
Just know that they contain a few major parts of my book. Well kinda.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Almost there...

I'm almost to my goal. I should be at 5,000 words by tonight. I thought of a great idea that will help me reach 10,000 and then 25,000 words. Here is my current progress:

I'll post more later tonight. I just wanted to post a quick update.

11:41 PM
YAY I DID IT! I made my goal for today! My goal was 5,000 words and now I have 5,063!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


I can't believe today is already the 11th! I was planning on having 5,000 words by tomorrow. I can still do it. You see I've been playing: KartRider, Audition, and MapleStory. So that's what I've been doing to get so far behind. I've been so lazy lately. I need to fix that...

Novel Title: Mistaken

“Hey you two break it up!” the woman said. “Andrew, Ryan, you’ll both be sent down to behavior modification if you can’t control yourselves!”

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Yes I did it.

Yes!!! I made it to 3001 words! My new goal is 5000 words. Thank you for all of the people who gave me some new ideas. I'll post more later.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Nothing much to post.

There is nothing much to post tonight. I'm just working on my novel.
Here is a graph of my word count.


Want to track my progress?

The NaNoWriMo Widgets are back. Now you can track my progress from my blog.
Let me explain a little. Light green and red show where you were above or below the goal for the day, bold green and red are reserved for days where you did exceptionally well or monumentally badly.

My goal is to have 50,000 words by November 31st.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I know how many loving fans I have. *Grins* Okay. So I have motivated myself today. I am actually in the process of transforming my novel. I'm not going to say too much right now. I've got to get back to work writing. Oh but by the way. I have also finally been motivated to learn my national language. Maybe I'll post about that later. Have a great day everybody!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Life during NaNoWriMo

Well today I didn't really write much for my story. In the sense of... Well I read a little and right now I am trying to find an active premise. The plot needs just a tiny tweak too. I have been thinking about that mainly today. By the end of NaNoWriMo I want to at least have 30,000 words done. My story idea is pretty good, but I just think I need to work on the premise. I have to add active wants for my characters. Something that will push them forward, but at the same time not make them boring. I have a few wants written down but I have to look over those. They go with what will happen in my plot right now. Okay well I'll get back to you later. Everyone have a good night.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Hurray! I'm getting better. (From being sick)
Oh and I didn't post this last night, but I reached 1066 words! I passed 1000 words, which is like 2 pages.

On another note... Where are you from?

Visitor Map
Visitor list updates every 5 minutes. Map updates daily.

This map will mark where you are from. Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Picking up the slack....

It's already day 3 of NaNoWriMo and I only have 898 words. So if I can start thinking up good ideas as I write I would need to write 4103 words today. See what slacking off does? I want to finish this by the 31st. You know what I will finish this by the 31st! Hey even if it sounds bad, but I have a good idea, I can always edit it in December. Oh yeah, I'll be gone part of this month. Okay, I'll just have to take my computer with me. (Not a laptop) Ahh but first before I start I'm going to go get breakfast.

Oh no! Only: 27 Days, 14 Hours, 10 Minutes and 22 seconds left!

I need 49,102 more words.

Here is my progress bar.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Day 2

It's now day 2 of Nanowrimo. I have written a little bit now. I need to write more, but first I need to get motivated. Motivation yourself while you are sick is no easy task. You don't necessarily have the energy. I don't know how many words I have done. I'll have to check, but some people have over 5,000 done on day 2. I should just keep continuing on writing, even though I don't know where to go from here. I have a great story line, and if my writing is good enough, I think someone might actually publish my book. I'll just have to keep working on it little by little. Oh and today I feel a bit better.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

NaNoWriMo Has Begun!

Hey everyone, I'm feeling better today. Well a little bit better. I went in to the doctors but they said there is nothing they can do except let the virus run it's course. Their not exactly sure what I have but the doctor said it may be Mono. I thought hmm... I haven't kissed anyone lately. But the thing is, you can get Mono just by shaking someones hand. He said I might be sick for a month. Which is a really long time to be this sick.
Okay moving on...
NaNoWriMo has started. (National Novel Writing Month) A few hundred thousand people will be at their computers writing a novel. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel from November 1st to the November 31st. I myself have started just a little under an hour ago... Just in a few hours, people have already written 6,622,400 words (Six Million twenty two thousand and four hundred words) Okay I'll probably post more later. I just wanted to give everyone that update.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Okay It's Halloween. So this time I've decided to mix it up a little. Let's see...
I guess I'll just use this post to say Happy Halloween! Have fun out there and stay safe!

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Hey everyone. I don't want to scare anyone, so if you get scared easily then don't read on...

So those of you that are still reading are ready to continue on? Okay I warned you...
I just woke up and this is my fourth day of being super sick. This is the most scary sickness I have ever had. I went in for strep test, but it came out negative. I had a fever of 101°F a few times so far. I took Advil for that, and I find that Advil helps my sore throat. My tonsils more specifically is the thing that hurts. It has hurt 24/7 so far. I'm going in the morning to talk to a doctor. I really don't know what this could be. I look horrible, and my voice dropped another 2 notches. My voice is also very "sick" sounding. I don't sound anything like my normal self. I just don't want to... Well pass on... I mean I still have my whole life ahead of me. I hope it's not MRSA or anything that serious. Check out this article. I will try and keep everyone updated on anything that happens. I just hate how my tonsils\throat hurts 24/7


Yum Vegemite!
Well actually I've never tried it. I want to though. The US FDA banned Vegemite in the U.S.
Watch this video. It's great!

Vegemite 101

You'll just have to follow that link. The video uploader is not working right now.

Here is the song for Vegemite:

We're happy little Vegemites

As bright as bright can be.

We all enjoy our Vegemite

For breakfast, lunch, and tea.

Our mother says we're growing

stronger every single week.

Because we love our Vegemite.

We all adore our Vegemite.

It puts a rose in every cheek!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

*Cough Cough*

Ahh.. Sorry about that... I've been sick all day, and I finally feel like getting up and doing something. I have started playing Super Nintendo again, after a decade or more. It has just been sitting here, collecting dust. This is day 2 of this specific post. I'm home today, and will be home tommorow. Mmm.. Pie... I haven't been doing much lately. Just sitting around watching TV. I know that sounds pretty lazy, but hey, I've been sick. I'll post more later... Thanks for reading!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Next generation of iPods?

There is something new in the iPod world. Introducing the iPod Flea!!!
They just keep getting smaller and smaller!

Oh and if you haven't noticed yet. This is a spoof. It isn't real.

1st Post

Hello everyone!

This is the first official post! In this blog you will find many different things. I'm going to try and update daily, but if that does not happen, then I will do it twice a week. Okay, so lets get started... A really good book series that I think you should check out is Replica, by Marylin Kaye. It has been out of print for a bit now, but you can still find it on

I will try to provide a few How To articles as things start moving along. They'll mainly be technology based articles. And if you have any requests you can send me a message or leave a post.

I'm trying to find out what this blog will be about. I want to focus on one main subject. But other ones will surely sneak in. So again, if you have any ideas message me or post a message...